Root Volume Fixer (95ml)
Jenny House HK - 髮根自然豐盈造型液 Root Volume Fixer

Root Volume Fixer (95ml)

Regular price $118.00 Sale price $98.00

Korean professional Salon JENNY HOUSE exclusive styling products
Airy Hair Style Get! Get a natural airy look from the roots!

It is formulated with a polymer film and hydrolyzed keratin. It does not contain silicone oil and does not damage the hair. Hair care nutrition penetrates the hair strands and hair roots. Wet use can increase a silky feeling, dry use can increase hair moisture and prevent static electricity. From the hair root, the hair is straightened and shaped for a long time, and the volume of hair is increased visually, creating a natural fluffy and airy hairstyle of Korean stars! 

Jenny House Self-up Volume

Jenny House Self-up Volume

Jenny House Self-up Volume

Jenny House Self-up Volume

Jenny House Self-up Volume

Jenny House Self-up Volume

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