32 產品展示
天然無矽保濕洗髮露-溫和潔淨 ( 500毫升 )
正常價格 $110.00 銷售價格 $88.00【除口氣口爆珠】激爽薄荷除口氣薄荷爆珠 - 清新覆盆子味 (30粒)
正常價格 $23.00 銷售價格 $18.50帶有“ 雙重功效”,可即時消除口氣及化解胃氣,根除異味。
有別於一般單一除口氣的薄荷糖,NUDE除口氣無糖薄荷爆珠具有DUO ACTION功能,即雙重除口氣功效:
比起市面上的薄荷糖,口爆珠更細小易攜,比Airpod仲要細,輕鬆放褲袋就出得街~ 加上包裝口有彈弓設計,無須放手指入去拎,非常衛生,謝絕所有細菌進入!
飯後一粒除左消口氣之餘,仲可以擊退飯氣攻心! 激爽薄荷感可以刺激大腦,讓你瞬間從喉嚨爽到鼻子,迅速趕走疲倦感,返工返學食一粒即時醒腦提神,工作更有自信。仲要唔洗咀嚼,偷偷地食冇人發現~
食用方法: 先咬破爆珠清除口氣,再將爆珠吞下根除胃氣。
日本製造 Made in Japan
【除口氣口爆珠】激爽薄荷除口氣薄荷爆珠 - 清新檸檬蜜糖味 (30粒)
正常價格 $23.00 銷售價格 $18.50NUDE除口氣激爽薄荷爆珠採用了無縫膠囊專利技術,研製出四層速溶口氣的清新膠囊。
有別於一般單一除口氣的薄荷糖,NUDE除口氣激爽薄荷爆珠具有DUO ACTION功能,即雙重除口氣功效:
比起市面上的薄荷糖,口爆珠更細小易攜,比Airpod仲要細,輕鬆放褲袋就出得街~ 加上包裝口有彈弓設計,無須放手指入去拎,非常衛生,謝絕所有細菌進入!
飯後一粒除左消口氣之餘,仲可以擊退飯氣攻心! 激爽薄荷感可以刺激大腦,讓你瞬間從喉嚨爽到鼻子,迅速趕走疲倦感,返工返學食一粒即時醒腦提神,工作更有自信。仲要唔洗咀嚼,偷偷地食冇人發現~
食用方法: 先咬破爆珠清除口氣,再將爆珠吞下根除胃氣。
日本製造 Made in Japan
HECTIC- ESTOPE 銀離子可水洗抗菌口罩
正常價格 $249.00 銷售價格 $175.00
經抗菌測試 嶄新抗菌銀離子面料
ESTOPE口罩使用了專利ATB面料,含兩層設計,主要以銀離子技術製成,經過抗菌測試(KS K0693及JIS L 1902),具有99.9%消除及抵抗金黃色葡萄球菌、克雷伯氏肺炎菌等害菌的功效,能有效保護人體健康。ATB面料已獲FDA認可為可抗菌布料。
迅間蒸發汗水 保持乾爽
Estope ATB口罩具有獨特設計的「纖維橫截面」,質地冰涼之餘,亦能够迅速蒸發汗水。該織物在炎熱的夏天亦能迅速蒸發汗水,令口罩長時間保持清爽,不會感覺焗促。
M size: 17.5 x 14 cm (適合女士)
L size: 18.2 x 14.7 cm (適合男士)
產地 韓國
數量 1個
1) 避免使用高溫清洗,使用高溫清洗可能會傷害口罩材質,建議使用常溫水清洗。
2) 避免在強烈陽光下直射,請於陰涼處風乾。
3) 請勿使用熨斗燙,使用熨斗燙口罩可能會因高溫傷害口罩材質。
4) 請避免使用含氯漂白水清洗,請使用中性清潔劑清洗。
5) 請勿過度摩擦,可否則可能會稍有起毛球狀況。
6) 如果口罩損壞、產生髒污、或覺得呼吸困難,請清洗或更換新的口罩。
7) 請勿靠近火源。
8) 請勿使用本產品以外的用途。
【除口氣口爆珠】激爽薄荷除口氣薄荷爆珠 - 果香清甜蜜瓜味 (30粒)
正常價格 $23.00 銷售價格 $18.50NUDE除口氣激爽薄荷爆珠採用了無縫膠囊專利技術,研製出四層速溶口氣的清新膠囊。
有別於一般單一除口氣的薄荷糖,NUDE除口氣激爽薄荷爆珠具有DUO ACTION功能,即雙重除口氣功效:
比起市面上的薄荷糖,口爆珠更細小易攜,比Airpod仲要細,輕鬆放褲袋就出得街~ 加上包裝口有彈弓設計,無須放手指入去拎,非常衛生,謝絕所有細菌進入!
飯後一粒除左消口氣之餘,仲可以擊退飯氣攻心! 激爽薄荷感可以刺激大腦,讓你瞬間從喉嚨爽到鼻子,迅速趕走疲倦感,返工返學食一粒即時醒腦提神,工作更有自信。仲要唔洗咀嚼,偷偷地食冇人發現~
食用方法: 先咬破爆珠清除口氣,再將爆珠吞下根除胃氣。
日本製造 Made in Japan
天然保濕修護潤髮乳- 五月槐花(500毫升)
正常價格 $110.00 銷售價格 $88.00天然保濕抗菌沐浴露-薄荷薰衣草 (500毫升)
正常價格 $110.00 銷售價格 $88.00Kyren Natural Antibacterial Body Wash contain five major functions
1. Gentle cleansing: The exclusive soothing formula specially designed for sensitive skin, soothes irritated skin and improves rough skin texture effectively.
2. Antibacterial effect: The extract of Trichofern arganum from nature can effectively relieve skin fungus problems.
3. Anti-inflammatory effect: The extract of Trichofern chrysogenum can inhibit the growth of Propionibacterium acnes.
4. Moisturizing effect: The exclusive moisturizing secret makes the skin not feel tight after bathing. 5 kinds of vegetable oils are added to the formula to prevent dry skin, keep skin hydrated, and make it tender and moist.
6. Balance the pH value of the skin: close to the pH value of the skin
**Product contains a small amount of Kyren's signature fragrance. Kyren uses fragrances produced by Korean perfume manufacturers. It has been tested and confirmed that it does not contain harmful ingredients to the human body
天然保濕抗菌沐浴露-溫和潔淨 (500毫升)
正常價格 $110.00 銷售價格 $88.00Kyren Natural Antibacterial Body Wash contain five major functions
1. Gentle cleansing: The exclusive soothing formula specially designed for sensitive skin, soothes irritated skin and improves rough skin texture effectively.
2. Antibacterial effect: The extract of Trichofern arganum from nature can effectively relieve skin fungus problems.
3. Anti-inflammatory effect: The extract of Trichofern chrysogenum can inhibit the growth of Propionibacterium acnes.
4. Moisturizing effect: The exclusive moisturizing secret makes the skin not feel tight after bathing. 5 kinds of vegetable oils are added to the formula to prevent dry skin, keep skin hydrated, and make it tender and moist.
6. Balance the pH value of the skin: close to the pH value of the skin
**Product contains a small amount of Kyren's signature fragrance. Kyren uses fragrances produced by Korean perfume manufacturers. It has been tested and confirmed that it does not contain harmful ingredients to the human body
天然保濕抗菌沐浴露-幽香金盞花 (500毫升)
正常價格 $110.00 銷售價格 $88.00Kyren Natural Antibacterial Body Wash contain five major functions
1. Gentle cleansing: The exclusive soothing formula specially designed for sensitive skin, soothes irritated skin and improves rough skin texture effectively.
2. Antibacterial effect: The extract of Trichofern arganum from nature can effectively relieve skin fungus problems.
3. Anti-inflammatory effect: The extract of Trichofern chrysogenum can inhibit the growth of Propionibacterium acnes.
4. Moisturizing effect: The exclusive moisturizing secret makes the skin not feel tight after bathing. 5 kinds of vegetable oils are added to the formula to prevent dry skin, keep skin hydrated, and make it tender and moist.
6. Balance the pH value of the skin: close to the pH value of the skin
**Product contains a small amount of Kyren's signature fragrance. Kyren uses fragrances produced by Korean perfume manufacturers. It has been tested and confirmed that it does not contain harmful ingredients to the human body