22 產品展示
天然無矽保濕洗髮露-溫和潔淨 ( 500毫升 )
正常價格 $110.00 銷售價格 $88.00天然無矽保濕洗髮露- 五月槐花(500毫升)
正常價格 $110.00 銷售價格 $88.00Kyren天然無矽保濕洗髮露是“無刺激性”產品,成份天然,不含有害物質,通過美國環境工作組織EWG綠色等級安全,可深層清潔頭皮和頭髮。含有由專業調香師製作而成專屬Kyren的迷人香氣。
天然保濕修護潤髮乳- 五月槐花(500毫升)
正常價格 $110.00 銷售價格 $88.00天然保濕抗菌沐浴露-薄荷薰衣草 (500毫升)
正常價格 $110.00 銷售價格 $88.00Kyren Natural Antibacterial Body Wash contain five major functions
1. Gentle cleansing: The exclusive soothing formula specially designed for sensitive skin, soothes irritated skin and improves rough skin texture effectively.
2. Antibacterial effect: The extract of Trichofern arganum from nature can effectively relieve skin fungus problems.
3. Anti-inflammatory effect: The extract of Trichofern chrysogenum can inhibit the growth of Propionibacterium acnes.
4. Moisturizing effect: The exclusive moisturizing secret makes the skin not feel tight after bathing. 5 kinds of vegetable oils are added to the formula to prevent dry skin, keep skin hydrated, and make it tender and moist.
6. Balance the pH value of the skin: close to the pH value of the skin
**Product contains a small amount of Kyren's signature fragrance. Kyren uses fragrances produced by Korean perfume manufacturers. It has been tested and confirmed that it does not contain harmful ingredients to the human body
天然保濕抗菌沐浴露-溫和潔淨 (500毫升)
正常價格 $110.00 銷售價格 $88.00Kyren Natural Antibacterial Body Wash contain five major functions
1. Gentle cleansing: The exclusive soothing formula specially designed for sensitive skin, soothes irritated skin and improves rough skin texture effectively.
2. Antibacterial effect: The extract of Trichofern arganum from nature can effectively relieve skin fungus problems.
3. Anti-inflammatory effect: The extract of Trichofern chrysogenum can inhibit the growth of Propionibacterium acnes.
4. Moisturizing effect: The exclusive moisturizing secret makes the skin not feel tight after bathing. 5 kinds of vegetable oils are added to the formula to prevent dry skin, keep skin hydrated, and make it tender and moist.
6. Balance the pH value of the skin: close to the pH value of the skin
**Product contains a small amount of Kyren's signature fragrance. Kyren uses fragrances produced by Korean perfume manufacturers. It has been tested and confirmed that it does not contain harmful ingredients to the human body
天然保濕抗菌沐浴露-幽香金盞花 (500毫升)
正常價格 $110.00 銷售價格 $88.00Kyren Natural Antibacterial Body Wash contain five major functions
1. Gentle cleansing: The exclusive soothing formula specially designed for sensitive skin, soothes irritated skin and improves rough skin texture effectively.
2. Antibacterial effect: The extract of Trichofern arganum from nature can effectively relieve skin fungus problems.
3. Anti-inflammatory effect: The extract of Trichofern chrysogenum can inhibit the growth of Propionibacterium acnes.
4. Moisturizing effect: The exclusive moisturizing secret makes the skin not feel tight after bathing. 5 kinds of vegetable oils are added to the formula to prevent dry skin, keep skin hydrated, and make it tender and moist.
6. Balance the pH value of the skin: close to the pH value of the skin
**Product contains a small amount of Kyren's signature fragrance. Kyren uses fragrances produced by Korean perfume manufacturers. It has been tested and confirmed that it does not contain harmful ingredients to the human body