83 產品展示
GREEN 深層潔淨卸妝油 210ml
正常價格 $956.00 銷售價格 $717.0099% 植物萃取成分,深入清潔且不刺激肌膚。三重益生菌配方保護肌膚屏障,保持肌膚健康。
重點1. 四重深層清潔:有效去除黑頭、細塵、化妝品及肌膚污垢,經過臨床測試的四種清潔效果。
重點2. 溫和清潔:含有 Dr.G 獨家綠色鱷梨油,結合三種天然提取油,經過臨床測試適合敏感肌膚。
重點3. 清新潔淨:100% 客戶滿意,採用綠色生物技術,增強乳化性與細膩顆粒的靈活性。
請在約 10℃ 的溫度下儲存。包裝前的溫度計顯示適宜使用的溫度,溫度計變藍時表示面膜已準備好,能為敏感肌膚提供深層舒緩和冷卻效果。
取適量產品於乾燥的手掌上,均勻塗抹於面部(裸臉或卸妝),沿面部自然線條按摩 30 秒。
O2泡泡面膜 15ml
正常價格 $111.00 銷售價格 $82.00輕柔去除毛孔中各種廢物的洗淨型O2氣泡面膜,使肌膚看起來清澈透明!
黑頭鼻膜 15ml
正常價格 $111.00 銷售價格 $82.00強力吸附黑頭和過多皮脂的撕拉式鼻膜,能維持肌膚清潔並保持光滑質地!
竹炭撕拉面膜 20ml
正常價格 $111.00 銷售價格 $82.00含有強大吸附能力竹炭成分的竹炭撕拉面膜能從毛孔的每個角落去除皮脂和廢物,使肌膚變得光滑!
美白亮膚修護霜 15ml
正常價格 $111.00 銷售價格 $82.00美白亮膚修護霜能長效提亮暗沈的肌膚!
濟州馬油修護霜 15ml
正常價格 $111.00 銷售價格 $82.00濟州馬油成分為肌膚提供營養,深層滋潤並營造完美光澤!
黃金蝸牛修護霜 15ml
正常價格 $111.00 銷售價格 $82.00蝸牛精華能滋潤肌膚,有助於改善細紋的外觀,減少痘疤和瑕疵的出現!
積雪草舒緩修護霜 15ml
正常價格 $111.00 銷售價格 $82.00積雪草修護霜含有3種積雪草成分,能舒緩敏感肌膚並增強肌膚的原始力量!
水潤睡眠面膜 20ml
正常價格 $111.00 銷售價格 $82.00睡眠面膜能幫助您醒來時擁有更年輕、光彩煥發的肌膚!
足部去角質膜 1 對
正常價格 $218.00 銷售價格 $163.00只需 60 分鐘,Skindaum 足部去角質面膜即可去除長期累積的老舊角質細胞,讓雙腳變得柔軟光滑。 AHA 有助於去除過多的足部老繭,薄荷萃取物、摩洛哥堅果油和薰衣草可緩解壓力,同時保持足部滋潤和光滑。 它透過多種植物萃取物提供水分和營養,使您的雙腳變得絲滑柔軟。
超薄隱形痘痘暗瘡貼 (30片)
正常價格 $325.00 銷售價格 $244.00Skindaum 痘痘貼是一種水膠體痘痘貼。
水凝膠舒緩補水眼膜 (5片裝)
正常價格 $372.00 銷售價格 $278.001. 高功能性水凝膠配方,集中護理眼部周圍 2. 使用貼時,進行活動沒有任何困難,因為它是黏貼型貼劑,而且沒有黏性,質地非常清爽。 3. 竹子萃取物具有出色的保濕能力,有助於鎮定敏感肌膚,並有助於滋潤眼睛周圍區域。
活性炭去黑頭鼻貼 (6片裝)
正常價格 $299.00 銷售價格 $222.00使用這些木炭鼻毛孔貼可疏通毛孔並去除多餘的黑頭。該套裝包含6 條單獨包裝的鼻毛孔貼。每條都含有木炭和金縷梅提取物,可去除毛孔中的污染物和細菌。因此,您的皮膚看起來比以前更清晰,讓你感覺更有自信。討厭的黑頭立即消失!
蘆薈去黑頭鼻貼 (6片裝)
正常價格 $299.00 銷售價格 $222.00SKINDAUM 鼻孔貼蘆薈萃取是一種一步式清潔護理產品,專門用於疏通毛孔並去除多餘的黑頭。
正常價格 $517.00 銷售價格 $389.00用於腳跟和腳底,有助於去除腳跟和腳底的死皮。在短時間內,它幫助乾燥的皮膚變得光滑。尿素、乳酸和生育酚乙酸酯的組合能夠溫和去角質和去除死皮,並滋潤皮膚的底層,以替代腳跟和腳底的老化角質皮膚。
AC Thyol臉頰抗痘護理貼 (4對)
正常價格 $440.00 銷售價格 $329.00極致功效,最低皮膚刺激
AC Thyol強效抗痘護理貼(16片裝)
正常價格 $321.00 銷售價格 $239.00極致功效,最低皮膚刺激
正常價格 $1,059.00 銷售價格 $794.00特殊的回力鏢形狀可以同時提供緊緻和收緊效果,並且完美貼合您的面部。
Whitening wash off mask(Jar Type)30g
正常價格 $986.00 銷售價格 $739.00"Instant Brightening in Just 60 Seconds" Through the fusion of potent whitening agents and effective dirt-cleansing components, The synergy between these two active ingredients and dirt-removing agents helps restore a luminous, blemish- free complexion, resulting in a noticeably brighter and more even-toned appearance.
No.3 Tingle-Pore Softening Sheet Mask (4ea)
正常價格 $444.00 銷售價格 $333.00Like No.3 Essence, it contains bifid yeast extract and galactose yeast ferment filtrate (Pitera).
They are both beauty ingredients of high-end essences from well-known counters.
They have deep moisturizing and tenderizing effects.
- The formula is specially formulated to target pore problems.
The more enlarged and serious the pores are, the more effective it will be.
- Pore Miniming Complex™, which effectively tightens pores, contains 8 natural herbal ingredients that calm skin,
fight acne and tighten pores, such as peppermint extract, tea tree extract, witch hazel extract, bitter orange essential oil, etc.
- The concentration of beauty ingredients is quite high.
Using the mask once is as effective as going to a beauty salon to take care of your skin. It can be effective without daily use.
It is suitable for people who take flawless and careful skin care.
- The texture is high-end and thick, made of fine and dense fibers,
as soft as jelly, and perfectly blends with all the concave and convex curves of the face
- Recommended for people with enlarged pores, rough skin, and those who want to reduce wrinkles and brighten their skin.
1. Open the mask, apply the mask evenly on the face starting from the eyes, and press to fix the mask.
2. Take off the mask after relaxing for 10-20 minutes.
3. Pat your skin gently to absorb the remaining essence.
Costopia Honey Star Double Chin Mask (1pc)
正常價格 $167.00 銷售價格 $124.00Firming lifting effect mask for double chin and facial contour.
Helps firm sagging skin, soften fine lines and define the facial contour.
Contains Propolis extract and Manuka Honey that nourish the skin and revitalize it.
Highly elastic and resistant fabric with hydrogel essence that leaves no residue.
How to use: After facial cleansing and tonic, remove the protective film and
apply the mask starting with the chin and stretching it until you can grab it on the ears.
Adhere the hearts to the cheeks so that they are in contact with the skin.
Leave it on for 20 to 40 minutes and remove.
Costopia Love Heart Double Chin Mask (1pc)
正常價格 $167.00 銷售價格 $124.00Firming lifting effect mask for double chin and facial contour.
Helps firm sagging skin, smooth fine lines and define facial contours.
Contains Rose and Cherry Blossom extract rich in vitamins.
Highly elastic and resistant fabric with hydrogel essence that leaves no residue.
How to use: After facial cleansing and tonic, remove the protective film and
apply the mask starting with the chin and stretching it until you can grab it on the ears.
Adhere the hearts to the cheeks so that they are in contact with the skin.
Leave it on for 20 to 40 minutes and remove.
Costopia Honey Star Eye Mask (1pair)
正常價格 $116.00 銷售價格 $86.00Eye patches with a fun design that hydrate and refresh the skin around the eyes, improving its elasticity.
Contains Propolis and Manuka Honey extracts that provide nutrition.
They are very resistant and adhere easily to the skin without leaving any residue. Suitable for all skin types.
How to use: After facial cleansing and toner, remove the protective film and apply the patches under the eye area.
Leave it on for 20-30 minutes and remove.
Costopia Love Heart Eye Mask (1pair)
正常價格 $116.00 銷售價格 $86.00Eye patches with a fun design that hydrate and refresh the skin around the eyes, improving its elasticity.
Contains Rose and Cherry Blossom extracts rich in vitamins that provide luminosity to the skin.
They are very resistant and adhere easily to the skin without leaving any residue.
How to use: After facial cleansing and toner, remove the protective film and
apply the patches under the eye area. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes and remove.
Colorpick Firming Mask (1pc)
正常價格 $124.00 銷售價格 $94.00It's as light as a feather, as if it is not attached.
Gently adhering, ultra-fine, high-intensity sheet
Microfiber high adhesion sheet
Microfiber thinner than about 1/340 of the thickness of hair is a soft material
with excellent essence absorbing power and high adhesion strength, and it
gently envelops the skin and delivers nutrient essence.
Sheet mask that can be used safely
when making color during fabrication.
A color pick mask with a choice of colors
depending on each feature
Patch Holic Aqua Plus
3 Step Core Technology
Low molecular & polymer hyaluronic acid deeper
6 leaf complex Natural Refresh Healing Care
Skin barrier with barrier strengthening ingredient panthenol
-Aqua Layering
Rapid Moisture Filling - 5 Hyaluronic Acids
Sufficient moisture for each layer of skin!
Quickly moisturizes skin with fast absorption 5-hyaluronic acid supplies moisture for each layer of skin,
and replenishes moisture according to the layer of dermis, epidermis and skin surface.
-Relaxing Layering
Nature’s ingredient – 6- leaf complex
Monarda Didyma Leaf Extract, Chamomilla Recutita Extract, Perilla Leaf Extract,
Mentha Rotundifolia Leaf Extract, Persimmon Leaf Extract, Ocimum Basilicum Leaf Extract
-Lock Layering
Barrier-strengthening care– Panthenol Ingredients
Moisture retention
1. Superior moisturizing effect with wet membrane formation & moisture loss prevention
2. Helping improve skin barrier
Protect skin from external elements through healthy skin care as well as moisturizing skin
Colorpick Moisturizing Mask (1pc)
正常價格 $124.00 銷售價格 $94.00 It's as light as a feather, as if it is not attached.
Gently adhering, ultra-fine, high-intensity sheet
Microfiber high adhesion sheet
Microfiber thinner than about 1/340 of the thickness of hair is a soft material
with excellent essence absorbing power and high adhesion strength, and it
gently envelops the skin and delivers nutrient essence.
Sheet mask that can be used safely
when making color during fabrication.
A color pick mask with a choice of colors
depending on each feature
Patch Holic Aqua Plus
3 Step Core Technology
Low molecular & polymer hyaluronic acid deeper
6 leaf complex Natural Refresh Healing Care
Skin barrier with barrier strengthening ingredient panthenol
-Aqua Layering
Rapid Moisture Filling - 5 Hyaluronic Acids
Sufficient moisture for each layer of skin!
Quickly moisturizes skin with fast absorption 5-hyaluronic acid supplies moisture for each layer of skin,
and replenishes moisture according to the layer of dermis, epidermis and skin surface.
-Relaxing Layering
Nature’s ingredient – 6- leaf complex
Monarda Didyma Leaf Extract, Chamomilla Recutita Extract, Perilla Leaf Extract,
Mentha Rotundifolia Leaf Extract, Persimmon Leaf Extract, Ocimum Basilicum Leaf Extract
-Lock Layering
Barrier-strengthening care– Panthenol Ingredients
Moisture retention
1. Superior moisturizing effect with wet membrane formation & moisture loss prevention
2. Helping improve skin barrier
Protect skin from external elements through healthy skin care as well as moisturizing skin