18 產品展示
ACTIVE POWER 專業頑固污垢清潔劑 - 葡萄柚茉莉香味 480ml
正常價格 $393.00 銷售價格 $294.00這是一款能夠去除最難清潔的污垢的萬用清潔劑。它在室內和室外都表現出色,使表面清潔變得有效而簡單 - 使用方便、高效率和愉悅的氣味使清潔變成一種樂趣。探索獨特的Perfect House Active Power香氛組合,它將把您的周圍環境變成一片清新和諧的綠洲。我們精心調配的香氛融合,旨在為任何室內帶來清新活力。
Perfect House Active Power強力清潔液適用於清潔:
油污油脂清潔劑 - 牡丹紫羅蘭香味 500ml (適用各種傢俱表面)
正常價格 $393.00 銷售價格 $294.00適合清潔廚房和家用電器,以及塑膠、陶瓷、PVC和紡織表面。 它可以輕鬆去除以下物品的油膩污漬:爐灶、烤箱、燒烤架和其他廚房設備、壁爐、戶外家具、衣物和運動鞋、合成和天然皮革、汽車內飾和軟質家具、輪轂和割草機 ,以及其他許多表面。
Perfect House - Bathroom professional bathroom cleaner - Cardamon & Black Tea 500ml
正常價格 $475.00
Perfect House® BATHROOM is a professional liquid bathroom cleaner. It removes persistent limescale, soaps and cosmetics stains, and dirt coating on bathtubs and shower cabins. Give preference to cleanliness without streaks and shiny bathroom faucets without scratches.
A perfumed fragrance will make cleaning more pleasant and will improve your mood. The BATHROOM liquid will clean: fittings, tiles / plates, joints, shower cubicles, other ceramic, plastic and acrylic surfaces.
Perfect House - Dishes professional dishwashing liquid - Pomegranate & Herbal 500ml
正常價格 $389.00Perfect House® DISHES is a professional, powerful dishwashing liquid. It removes dried grease and burnt food remains. Give preference to shiny and perfectly clean dishes without having to scrub. The perfume scent will eliminate the smell of food leftovers and turn dishwashing into more pleasant work.
Perfect House - Floor professional multi-surface concentrate - Orange & rose 480ml
正常價格 $389.00
Perfect House® FLOOR is a professional and efficient gel for floors surfaces cleaning and care. It removes dirt, dust, and every day contamination, greasy and dried spots. Give preference to shine without smudges and streaks and reliable effectiveness. A perfumed fragrance will make cleaning more pleasant and will improve your mood. The FLOOR gel will clean: dust, every day contamination, greasy and dried spots, all kinds of difficult stains (e.g. mud, oil and others).
Perfect House - Furniture professional furniture cream cleaner - Pink Pepper & Oakmoss 450ml
正常價格 $518.00
Perfect House® FURNITURE is a professional concentrated lotion for cleaning and care, which refreshes the color of furniture. It removes dirt, greasy stains, fingerprints and prevents dust accumulation. Give preference to shiny and clean furniture surface without streaks and white coating. The perfumed fragrance will fill the interior and stay in it for a long time after applying the product.
Perfect House - Glass professional glass cleaner - Mango & Orange 500ml
正常價格 $389.00Get an elegant room fragrance and surround yourself with beautiful aromas every
day. The Perfect House® series takes care to introduce a unique atmosphere in every
home. #SmellsLikePerfec on Perfect House® GLASS is a professional liquid for cleaning and care of mirrors, windows and crystal ware. It removes water stains, dust and dirt, greasy stains and old dirt.
Perfect House - Ironing perfumed ironing water - Black Violet & Vanilla 500ml
正常價格 $475.00Perfect House® perfume water for ironing perfectly handles evthe toughest creases. It contains an ingredient of plant origin, which facilitates ironing, and protects both colour and fabric. It leaves a sensual scent that lingers long not only on fabrics, but also in the room, where they were ironed. IRONING will refresh: cotton, linen, silk, synthetics.
Perfect House - Kitchen professional kitchen cleaner - Black Currant & Lily 500ml
正常價格 $475.00
Perfect House® KITCHis a professional liquid for kitchcleaning. It removes dirt, persistent fat deposits, old food and drink stains. Give
preference to dazzling purity, convenience of use and enjoy the perfumed fragrance that will fill your kitchand put you in good mood.
The KITCHliquid will clean: kitchcabinets, countertops, gas and electric cookers, induction and ceramic cooktops, hoods, ovens, grates, refrigerators, sinks, waste bins, tiles, other ceramic, plastic and acrylic surfaces.
Perfect House - Leather professional leather cream cleaner - Orange Blossom & Sandalwood 500ml
正常價格 $518.00Perfect House® LEATHER is a professional washing and care lotion that protects the color and prevents cracking. It removes dirt, dust and fingerprints. The lotion cleans gray spots on light leather perfectly. The perfumed scent will wrap the leather and stay long after using the product. LEATHER lotion will clean: natural full grain leathers, smooth and matt, leather furniture, car upholstery, Faux Leather, natural leather, eco leather, leather goods such as jackets, handbags, shoes, belts, etc.
Perfect House - Wood floor professional liquid cleaner for wooden floors - White Musk & Tonka Bean 500ml
正常價格 $518.00Perfect House® WOOD FLOOR is a professional liquid for cleaning and care of woodfloors. It removes dirt, dust, every day contamination and dried stains. It guarantees a shiny and clean surface without smudges, white tarnish and stains, and leaves a protective film to prevent excessive moisture. The perfumed fragrance will make the cleaning more pleasant and will stay inside for a long time.
香氛空氣清新噴霧 - 佛手柑依蘭依蘭廣藿香香味 500ml
正常價格 $449.00 銷售價格 $337.00如果您想在室內獲得清新愉悅的香氣,不妨試試Perfect House系列的香水。這種香氣組合為室內營造出優雅且極致精緻的香氣。 建議可以噴灑在房間,以及衣物和織物上-床上用品、窗簾和毛毯。它們將立即恢復清新,而持久的香氣將營造出愉悅的氛圍。 |
香氛空氣清新噴霧 - 海鹽雪松香味 500ml
正常價格 $505.00 銷售價格 $380.00Perfect House Perfume GLAM PERFUME是一款獨特的香氛,以海鹽和雪松為基調。美麗的香氣將在您的室內環境中持久存在。
香氛空氣清新噴霧 - 粉胡椒琥珀香味 500ml
正常價格 $449.00 銷售價格 $337.00如果您想在室內獲得清新愉悅的香氣,不妨試試Perfect House系列的香水。這種香氣組合為室內營造出優雅且極致精緻的香氣。 建議可以噴灑在房間,以及衣物和織物上-床上用品、窗簾和毛毯。它們將立即恢復清新,而持久的香氣將營造出愉悅的氛圍。 |
香氛空氣清新噴霧 - 海鹽雪松香味 500ml
正常價格 $505.00 銷售價格 $380.00Perfect House Perfume GLAM PERFUME是一款獨特的香氛,以海鹽和雪松為基調。美麗的香氣將在您的室內環境中持久存在。
專業浴室清潔劑 - 香根草尤加利香味 500ml
正常價格 $449.00 銷售價格 $337.00Perfect House GLAM BATHROOM的設計目的是去除浴缸和淋浴間上的水垢、肥皂殘留物、水漬和暗淡汙垢。
同時,Perfect House GLAM BATHROOM還具有獨特的香氛設計,為您的浴室營造出宜人的香氣。這種結合了清新和優雅的香氛設計,使您的浴室環境更加愉悅和舒適。
無論是去除水垢、肥皂殘留物還是清潔浴室表面,Perfect House GLAM BATHROOM都是一款值得信賴的產品。它結合了高效的清潔能力和愉悅的香氛,為您的浴室帶來清新和雅致的感覺。
專業家具護理清潔乳霜 - 琥珀檀香味 500ml
正常價格 $449.00 銷售價格 $337.00Perfect House GLAM FURNITURE是專為木製家具清潔和保養而設計的專業產品。它結合了獨特的香氛和優雅的設計。
此外,Perfect House GLAM FURNITURE還具有獨特的香氛設計,使您的家具在清潔的同時散發出宜人的香氣。這種結合了清新和優雅的香氛設計,為您的室內營造出一種愉悅的氛圍。
無論是清潔、保護還是為您的家具增添香氣,Perfect House GLAM FURNITURE都是一款值得信賴的產品。它提供了全方位的木製家具護理解決方案,同時為您的室內帶來豪華感和舒適感。
專業廚房清潔劑 - 丁香廣藿香香味 500ml
正常價格 $449.00 銷售價格 $337.00Perfect House GLAM KITCHEN是一款專業的廚房清潔劑,以丁香和廣藿香的香氣著稱。精心挑選的香氣成分將在您的家中持久存在。