40 產品展示
Micellar依蘭依蘭香氛沐浴露 650ml
正常價格 $258.00 銷售價格 $194.00100%天然依蘭依蘭提取物和有機黑種草油的香氣中起泡沫時,這不僅滋養您的肌膚,還有助於抗氧化,使您的肌膚更加緊緻。
Micellar櫻花香氛沐浴露 650ml
正常價格 $258.00 銷售價格 $194.00用有機黑種草油、100%天然櫻花提取物和溶解水製成,能深層潔淨並保持您的肌膚光彩、健康和水潤,並散發持久的香氣。
Micellar玫瑰香氛沐浴露補充裝 550ml
正常價格 $160.00 銷售價格 $121.00用有機黑種草油和100%天然玫瑰提取物,用溫柔和親切的方式呵護您的肌膚,在淋浴時享受舒緩和滋潤的沐浴體驗。
Micellar玫瑰香氛沐浴露 650ml
正常價格 $258.00 銷售價格 $194.00用有機黑種草油和100%天然玫瑰提取物,用溫柔和親切的方式呵護您的肌膚,在淋浴時享受舒緩和滋潤的沐浴體驗。
美白保濕沐浴露 700ml
正常價格 $258.00 銷售價格 $194.00用有機黑種草油滋養您的心靈、身體和靈魂。
抗衰老保濕沐浴露 700ml
正常價格 $258.00 銷售價格 $194.00淨化有機黑種草籽油能潔淨和舒緩,維生素E則滋養皮膚。
抗菌舒緩沐浴露 700ml
正常價格 $258.00 銷售價格 $194.00含有淨化有機黑種草籽油的抗菌沐浴露。
抗菌清爽沐浴露 700ml
正常價格 $258.00 銷售價格 $194.00含有淨化有機黑種草籽油,能滋潤您的身體。檸檬和西瓜提取物促進健康的皮膚發展,讓您感到柔軟、絲滑和清新。
正常價格 $160.00 銷售價格 $121.00含有淨化有機黑種草籽油,能潔淨和排毒,具有抗菌特性,保持皮膚健康和衛生。
FRUTTO FRESCO - Melon & pink pepper creamy shower gel
正常價格 $280.00Frutto Fresco moisturizing shower gel is a real feast for the senses.
At the same time, the dry and sensual scent of melon and pink pepper will ensure a good mood from the very morning!
Fruit gel gently cleanses the skin and makes it smooth, exceptionally soft and moisturized after washing.
FRUTTO FRESCO - Mango & vanilla creamy shower gel
正常價格 $280.00Frutto Fresco moisturizing shower gel is a real feast for the senses.
At the same time, the dry and sensual scent of melon and pink pepper will ensure a good mood from the very morning!
Fruit gel gently cleanses the skin and makes it smooth, exceptionally soft and moisturized after washing.
FRUTTO FRESCO - Passion fruit & caramel creamy shower gel
正常價格 $280.00Frutto Fresco regenerating shower gel is a real feast for the senses.
The sensual scent of passion fruit with the addition of sweet caramel will provide energy and a good mood from the very morning!
The fruit gel gently cleanses the skin and makes it smooth, exceptionally soft and regenerated after washing.
NATURAL EXPERT - Liquid soap, nourishing, rose + aloe vera juice 500ml
正常價格 $280.00Jaśmin Natural Expert liquid soap is intended for washing the whole body. It gently but effectively cleanses and perfectly affects dry skin, bringing relief and ensuring an optimal level of hydration.
NATURAL EXPERT - Liquid soap, moisturising, jasmine + aloe vera juice 500ml
正常價格 $280.00Jaśmin Natural Expert liquid soap is intended for washing the whole body. It gently but effectively cleanses and perfectly affects dry skin, bringing relief and ensuring an optimal level of hydration.
BEBI Kids - 兒童洗髮沐浴露二合一 - 藍莓味 500ml
正常價格 $224.00BEBI Kids Blueberry是一種沐浴露洗頭水二合一的產品,適用於1歲及以上的兒童,使用天然成分創造出溫和而有效的潔淨配方。這款產品可以完美地清潔身體和頭髮。素食配方,經過皮膚科測試。